Photographing the Elusive Ground Squirrel

They don’t all live in trees, you know

Andrew Johnston
4 min readAug 9, 2022
Courtesy of the author

Squirrels are, without question, one of my favorite photo subjects. The advantages are many: Squirrels are extraordinarily common in North America, they are often relatively accustomed to human presence and cuteness potential is very high.

Ground squirrels, as it turns out, are a far trickier breed.

Let’s start with the basics: Ground squirrel is a broad class of animals of the family Scuridae which includes the chipmunk, prairie dog and marmot. They vary greatly in size and coloration but all have a body type and diet that are very similar to the familiar tree squirrel. The difference is inherent in the name: Ground squirrels stay on the ground and will rarely take to the trees. They live in burrows in the dirt, in rock piles or — rarely — in dug-out areas next to buildings.

Courtesy of the author

The dwelling presents the problem. Tree squirrels, when frightened, will retreat to the nearest tree. In many cases, a treed squirrel can still be photographed, and if anything it can be easier — if the squirrel feels safe, it will be less likely to keep running. Ground squirrels, on the other…



Andrew Johnston
Andrew Johnston

Written by Andrew Johnston

Writer of fiction, documentarian, currently stranded in Asia. Learn more at

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