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Photographing the Elusive Ground Squirrel
They don’t all live in trees, you know

Squirrels are, without question, one of my favorite photo subjects. The advantages are many: Squirrels are extraordinarily common in North America, they are often relatively accustomed to human presence and cuteness potential is very high.
Ground squirrels, as it turns out, are a far trickier breed.
Let’s start with the basics: Ground squirrel is a broad class of animals of the family Scuridae which includes the chipmunk, prairie dog and marmot. They vary greatly in size and coloration but all have a body type and diet that are very similar to the familiar tree squirrel. The difference is inherent in the name: Ground squirrels stay on the ground and will rarely take to the trees. They live in burrows in the dirt, in rock piles or — rarely — in dug-out areas next to buildings.

The dwelling presents the problem. Tree squirrels, when frightened, will retreat to the nearest tree. In many cases, a treed squirrel can still be photographed, and if anything it can be easier — if the squirrel feels safe, it will be less likely to keep running. Ground squirrels, on the other…