Article Index
7 min readJul 3, 2021

An index of Andrew’s writing on Medium (not counting shortform or photos) as of: December 27th, 2022.
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Topic lists
- Photography
- Life in China
- Adoption Stories
- Psychedelia
- Electronic Gaming
- Crypto Skeptic
- Autism
- Indie Excavation
- Serial Fiction
Original fiction
The Empathy series
- Life is an Experiment: The Remnant Pieces
- Analysis: The Remnant Pieces — Part I
- Analysis: The Remnant Pieces — Part II
- Analysis: The Remnant Pieces — Part III
Short stories
- The Limit of Tyranny
- Overdue Notice
- Comments on “Bot Domination: The Future of Spam and Filters”
- A Dirge for the Prairie
- Distance is a Fallacy
- Dissolving Night
- The Haunted Empire
- The Path in the Dragon’s Wake
- A Pleasant Night on Ichorous Waves
- The Hermit and the Songbird
- The Angel of El Escorial
- Cheery Little Monochrome World
- The Ego Collector
- Kill Screen
- Under a Spectral Moon
- Real-Time
- Infiltrated by Voices
Flash fiction
- Memories are Mere Proteins
- Maxie
- Firstborn
- Halted
- A Flower for a Lost Grave
- Through Destruction
- The Baleful Box
- The Wayfarer
- Thunderheads
- A View to the Terminus
Fiction writing advice
Craft of writing
- In Search of the Optimal Chapter Length
- Four Simple Tips to Get Started in Flash Fiction
- A Brief Guide to Worldbuilding (And Why It’s Not That Important)
- Making Your Mark in Modern Serial Fiction
- Five Things to Remember When Writing Epistolary Fiction
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Dialogue Tags
- The Risky Multi-POV Style: Five Things to Avoid
- The Curse of Writing Short
- Four Subtle Tricks to Improve Character Voice
- On Writing Panic
- Empathy is the Mother of Good Dialogue
- The Things You Can Learn from Hack Writers
- Four Empathy-Building Exercises to Improve Dialogue
- So You Want to Write a Serial: Before Your First Post
- Four Methods to Help Readers Navigate Your Serial
- Hypertext Fiction: The Past and Future of the Internet’s Own Tales
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Exposition in Literature
- Four Simple Steps to Develop Ideas for Flash Fiction
Promotion, distribution and rights
- Boosting Your Short Fiction Through Audio
- Fourteen Essential Posts for Your Blog Writing
- Creative Commons for Writers: Worthwhile or Not?
- Four Ways to Turn a Profit on a Free Book
- The Six Rejections You Get in Genre Markets
- Is the Speculative Fiction Market Getting Harder?
- Support Your Fiction: Five Approaches to Self-Promotion
- What is Realistic Fiction? Characteristics and Style
Miscellaneous writing essays
- No One Wants to Steal Your Book
- Postmortem for a Mortally Wounded Novel
- The Hermit Empire of the Publishing Industry
- Eight Takeaways From a Publisher’s Rejection
Essays on China
Advice articles
- No, I Can’t Help You Get an Asian Girlfriend
- A Beginner’s Guide to Baijiu
- Destroy the Laowai: On China’s Drinking Culture
- How Could You Ask THAT? Tactful Speech Across Cultures
- The Indoor Fog: Smoking in China
- Not Quite the FDA: Nutritional Facts in China
- A Brief Note on China’s Ongoing PowerPoint Obsession
- Know Your Own Stereotype
- Date Night in China: Where to Take Your Sweetheart
- The Ritual: Tea Culture in China
- Investigating Chinese Bar Culture
Personal experiences
- On Being a Novelty
- The Maniac Next Door: My First Christmas Abroad
- Dancing the White Monkey Waltz
- Willfully Lost in Huangshan: On the Merits of Wandering
- The Quiet Enigma of the Fake Chinese Books
- Transpacific: My First Night Abroad
- Someone Please Explain These Fake Chinese Schoolgirls to Me
- Another Christmas in the Middle Kingdom
- Sampling a Fake Chinese Whiskey
- Chinese Students Keep Occupying My Classrooms
- My Chinese Students Hand Over Their Homework With Both Hands
- The Things I Left in China
- Please Give Me Your WeChat: Social Media in China
- When Water is a Blessing
- The Chinese New Year Gala: A Travel Story
Miscellaneous articles
- A Crisis of Harmony
- You Don’t Need a Foreigner to Show Flash Cards to Your Kids
- What the Western Press Doesn’t Get about China and Video Games
- The Quest for the Perfect Chinese Pizza Place
- The Dragon’s Tutelage: Chinese Students in Their Own Words
- What Comes Next in China’s Education Scene?
- What Are Your Plans for Shopping Armageddon?
- Personal Opinions and China’s Culture of Deference
- Hard Luggage and the Chinese Class Divide
- Lucky Sixes: The Chinese-Western Superstition Divide
- China’s Curious Impulse Buy Sections
- Sharing the Sidewalk: Parking Places in China
- Why Do My Chinese Students Sort Themselves by Sex?
- Literature in China: What People Read and Why
- China’s Garbage Situation
- Chinese Malls: The Weird and the Wonderful
- The Pleasures of Getting Lost
- An Ode to a Two Gallon Container of Fine Chinese Liquor
- Nine Key Differences Between High Schools in China and the West
- A Twelve-Course Lesson on Food in China
- Xiaolongxia: On Chinese Crayfish
- An Introduction to Chinese Breakfast
- The Chinese Economy and the Struggles of the Youth
Electronic games
Independent games
- Lost Sacred Gems: The State of Indie Games in 2022 and Beyond
- Eight Indie Games That Don’t Get Enough Love
- Indie Excavation No. 1: Dark Christmas
- Indie Excavation No. 2: Post-Sale Madness
- Indie Excavation No. 3: NES Throwbacks
- Indie Excavation No. 4: The Triumph of Simplicity
- Indie Excavation No. 5: Platformers on Parade
- Vampire Survivors: A Study of an Indie Phenomenon
- Indie Excavation No. 6: A Little Bit Adorable
Reviews and retrospectives
- The Unsinkable Team Fortress 2
- Bright Memory: Infinite is Brief but Awesome
- Breaking Kaycee’s Mod: A Look at Inscryption’s Next Phase
- Monochrome Fantasia: Life in the Age of the Game Boy
Miscellaneous essays
- On Borrowed Games and Save File Ethics
- Replay Value and the Joy of Rediscovery
- Through the Invisible Wall: Video Games in China
- In Praise of Instruction Manuals
- Legends of the Middle Kingdom
- The Nostalgia Cabinet
- Clones: The Past and Future of Unofficial Consoles
- Melody of the Machine: The Music of Video Games
- Secrets in the Files: Epistolary Stories in Video Games
- Arcade Oddities: Hero of Steel
- A Brief Tour of the Chinese Arcade Scene
- Grizzly Bosses: Beating Inscryption’s Most Unbearable Challenge
- Why Aren’t Platformers Selling Better?
The Internet and Media
- A Crypto Skeptic Plays the Market for 2.5 Years
- The Crypto Skeptic Scores Big
- The Crypto Skeptic Takes a Hit
- The Crypto Skeptic Formulates a Strategy
- 25 Years of Being Disappointed by the Internet
- Dating at the Internet: A Deconstruction
- The Crypto Skeptic Studies a Bear Market
- Have You Ever Considered Just NOT Being on Facebook?
- The Crypto Skeptic Lands an Embarrassing Win
- The Crypto Skeptic Gets Out
- Quit Whining and Just Delete Your Damn Twitter Account Already
- Twitter Is on the Verge of Becoming a Haven for Scammers
- Facing Death at a Weezer Concert
- How R.E.M. Pushed Me Into the Spotlight
- REM’s Monster: Music Discovery in a Small Town
- Where Did You First Hear Talib Kweli?
- Lessons Learned From a Window Seat
- The Dorkiest Mix Tape I’ve Ever Made
- The Singles Ranked: Linkin Park
- This is How a Rural White Kid Starts Listening to Public Enemy
- Ending Strong: Nine Legendary Songs That Closed Out an Album
- The Worst Performing Albums From 15 Best-Selling Bands
- Nine Huge Bands That Took Many Albums to Break Out
- Eight More Significant Songs That Concluded an Album
- Information is Treachery: Censorship in American Schools
- In the American Firearms Debate, Suicides are Invisible
- After Four Years in China, I Really Haven’t Missed Political Ads
- On the Increasingly Partisan Views of American Education
- That’s Just Life in the People’s Republic of Florida
- Toward a Better Political Spectrum Chart
- More on that New, Improved Political Spectrum Chart
Misc. personal writing
Adoption articles
- I Outlived the Mother I Never Knew
- Why Is It so Hard to Talk to My Adoptive Parents About My Birth Mother?
- Phone Numbers for Familiar Strangers
- Four Things That This Adoptee Wishes You Understood
- Gathering the Branches of My Family Tree
- Seeking My Father, Finding a Brother
Autism articles
- Everyone Thinks I’m Autistic Except Me
- There Was a Secret in My Strange Walk
- Is It Worth It for Me to Pursue an ASD Diagnosis at This Point?
- On Passing as Typical
- Canine Sensibilities: Of Dogs and Autism
- ASD, Nausea and the Food Police
- Singing With My Hands
- My Brain Doesn’t Think I Need Eight Hours of Sleep
- Solitude and ASD: When the Loners Get Lonely
- Fiction, Autism and My Inglorious Writing Career
- Inappropriate Affect from the Inside Out
- Three Adult Autism Tests for Those Considering a Diagnosis
- The Numbers That Rule My World
- Please Love Me: Dating With ASD
- Blunt Affect and the Consequences of Not Smiling Enough
Personal experiences
- Questionable Internet Acid: My First Psychedelic Episode
- Unusual Lessons: Picking My First Lock
- My Brief Career in Music Photography
- What I Learned Amid the Peaks and Pines
- The Long Bus Ride Back to the Old Days
- Headspace
- Pardon Me While I Continue Dying
- On Violence Against Art
- My Secondhand Adventures with a Shroom-Headed Girl
- The Endless March of Midnight
- The Halloween Where I Turned the Tables on Some Bullies
- Temporal Disintegrated Psychic Art
- The Sweet Old Girl Who Waited in the Cold
- Merry Christmas, the Car’s in A Ditch
- The Middle-Aged Bully Who Turned Me Into a Rebel
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons With Mormons
- When I Had the Nerve to Fail With Flair
Other articles
- Survival Bias and the Motivational Blind Spot
- Chemically-Aided Meditation: The Quiet Side of Psychedelia
- On Squirrels: The Joy of the Unwilling Photo Subject
- In Honor of my 50th Rejection from a Major Spec Magazine
- The Virtue of Giving Up
- Have You Found The Fabulist?
- How to Tell People How to be Famous
- A Glorious Flaw Amid Perfection
- Misanthropy is Creatively Dead
- In Consideration of My 1000th Rejection
- On the Merits of Non-Productive Work
- I Don’t Understand Racism
- Nine Levels of Unpublished Authors
- A Personal History in Nine Mobile Phones
- Photographing the Elusive Ground Squirrel
- Americans Never Leave High School
- I Miss Those Awful Old Blogs
- I Wrote This Article to Put a Link at the Bottom
- I Destroyed My Most Personal Story. Here’s Why